OTD is ecstatic to announce our annual charitable donation list. Keep reading to find out where we contributed.
As Queen’s University’s only non-profit student-run merchandise retailer, OTD donates 100% of our profits every year to a range of local and international charities. This year, OTD is beyond excited to announce that nearly $35,000 has been donated to the charities below. This record-high donation would not have been possible without our customers, our executive team, and the Queen’s community.
The funds were allocated to the following charities:
- $10,000 to Martha’s Table in Kingston, ON. Link to website: http://www.marthastable.ca/
- $10,000 to Kingston Interval House in Kingston, ON. Link to website: https://kingstonintervalhouse.com/
- $10,000 to Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada. Link to website: https://bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/
- $2,500 to the Students Helping Students Bursary at Queen’s University. Link to information: https://oilthighdesigns.ca/blogs/blog-posts/the-students-helping-students-award
- $1,700 to Relay for Life Queen’s in Kingston, ON. Link to information: https://support.cancer.ca/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLY_NW_odd_?pg=entry&fr_id=28060
- $700 to Unicef Queen’s in Kingston, ON. Link to information: https://www.unicef.org/
We thank everyone once again for the effort and contribution this year. Through these difficult times, the support of the Queen’s and surrounding communities has made these donations all the more possible. OTD wishes everyone a great summer break, and we look forward to seeing everyone in September!