OTD's 21/22 Donation Breakdown

OTD's 21/22 Donation Breakdown

OTD is ecstatic to announce our annual charitable donation list. Keep reading to find out where we contributed. As Queen’s University’s only non-profit student-run merchandise retailer, OTD donates 100% of...

OTD's 21/22 Donation Breakdown

OTD is ecstatic to announce our annual charitable donation list. Keep reading to find out where we contributed. As Queen’s University’s only non-profit student-run merchandise retailer, OTD donates 100% of...

The Students Helping Students Award

The Students Helping Students Award

As a student at the Smith School of Business, you have the potential to unlock a myriad of opportunities. Recently, Oil Thigh Designs has announced they will be supporting a...

The Students Helping Students Award

As a student at the Smith School of Business, you have the potential to unlock a myriad of opportunities. Recently, Oil Thigh Designs has announced they will be supporting a...

Your Favourite Queen’s Retailer

Your Favourite Queen’s Retailer

Who are we?  Established in 1994, Oil Thigh Designs is not your average Queen’s retailer. Not only are we 100% student-run, but we are also entirely not-for-profit. All our profits...

Your Favourite Queen’s Retailer

Who are we?  Established in 1994, Oil Thigh Designs is not your average Queen’s retailer. Not only are we 100% student-run, but we are also entirely not-for-profit. All our profits...